+393280549997 info@casedonignazio.it


Work on your body, mind, and soul
at our Agriturismo


For Yoga instructors, all our facilities are available for your next Yoga retreat. We have plenty of space to practice with our indoor and outdoor shala. Your yogis can stay in one of our eight private or shared rooms. We make sure you get served plenty of natural food, if possible from our garden, so you can focus on your course.


As our guest, you are free to use all our yoga facilities


Imagine a wood terrace overlooking the sea right in the middle of a green and soft lawn.

That is our Shala Zen, a wide platform perfect for your yoga practice openair. The wood floor gives you the most comfortable support, and the top roof will protect you from the hot Sicilian sun. A gentle wind and the stunning view will make your yoga session the most relaxing and fulfilling experience ever.

Size: m.15 X m.6 ( 90 m.q.)

Capacity: 22 persons

Materials: wood/steel

Facilities: lights, mosquito nets, curtains, mats, blocks, belts, bolsters, and pillows.


When the Sicilian sun hits too much or is too windy outside, you may need to find shelter.

This is what the Shala Om has been thought for: a cozy, shielded, and quiet place to practice any time of the day.

The old barn, with its high ceilings and thick walls, is divided into two twin rooms completely paved with wood and filled with natural light. Almost no garnish or furniture keeps this space open and clean.

Size: m.14 X m.5 ( 70 m.q. per room)

Capacity: 22 persons (11 per room)

Materials: wood/concrete

Facilities: light dimmer, Bluetooth speakers, mats, blocks, belts, bolsters, and pillows.


When the Sicilian sun hits too much or is too windy outside, you may need to find shelter.

This is what the Shala Om has been thought for: a cozy, shielded, and quiet place to practice any time of the day.

The old barn, with its high ceilings and thick walls, is divided into two twin rooms completely paved with wood and filled with natural light. Almost no garnish or furniture keeps this space open and clean.

Size: m.14 X m.5 ( 70 m.q. per room)

Capacity: 22 persons (11 per room)

Materials: wood/concrete

Facilities: light dimmer, Bluetooth speakers, mats, blocks, belts, bolsters, and pillows.


All materials are free for our guests, yogis, and teachers. For 22 persons, we have:

✔︎ Mats
✔︎Blocks (2 per person)
✔︎ Belts
✔︎ Bolsters
✔︎ Pillows
✔︎ Blankets


Zen Sicily
Roberta Spatola
Tel: +393297162010
E-mail: zensicily@gmail.com