Our heart and soul where it all started
Award-winning Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Harvest: mid-September to begin November.
Case Don Ignazio’s olive oil is produced organically, and 100% biological. Salvatore Spatola, founder and expert agronomist, has dedicated his life to creating the best possible olive oil in Sicily.
Salvatore’s hard work has resulted in the reward of “Best Mediterranean Oil”. Case Don Ignazio’s olive oil has the highest (Gold) standard of the World Olive Center for healthy olive oil with high polyphenol counts.

100% Biological Carob
Harvest: November to December.
The carob tree is native to the Mediterranean region. The tree is widely cultivated for its edible fruit beans and as an ornamental tree in gardens and landscapes.
Originally, the carob fruit was cultivated by Don Ignazio as food for livestock. Nowadays, ripe carob pods are used in a wide variety of products produced by Ciokura such as binding an agent (similar to corn starch), ‘chocolate’, and syrup.
Self Milled Flour for Fresh Pasta, Cakes, Bread, and Breakfast
Harvest: June / July.
We grind our own flour at home. Our Case Don Ignazio breakfasts always comes with a cake, made with our own artisanal flour.
For our own use, we also grow Grano Duro. We use this flour for making fresh pasta, home made bread, or Sicilian pizza for our family meals.
Get Lost and Smell The Power of Herbs
On our farm, we have a full-sized maze that can be used by young and old. If you dare.
The maze is made out of rosemary. So when you find your way to the exit, you’ll not only feel relieved. You will also smell nice for the rest of your day.
Pick your own Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs from our Bio Garden
Harvest: Only what’s in season.
Salvatore maintains the bio garden. All his knowledge and passion as an agronomist are put into our humble bio garden. We try to use as much of our homegrown products in family cooking, and for our guests. Yoga students will get served as many of our bio garden products as possible. As we like to say: a calm mind needs a calm body.
p.s. All our guests are free to take some fresh vegetables and herbs for cooking during their stay.