“Yoga is an internal practice. The rest is just a circus. ”

Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

Yoga is the main point around which all the activities offered by Zensicily revolve. But what is yoga? What does this widespread word mean? For
us Westerners, the term yoga immediately recall the image of a body in the execution of a position (āsana). Actually, this aspect is only a part of the millennial discipline that lies behind this apparent simplicity.

Yoga was born in the Indian continent and has its roots in the ancient Vedic tradition, from which Buddhism, Hinduism and tantra then originated.
The word yoga derives from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means “unite, tie, yoke”.This makes immediately more clear one of the main features that differentiates this practice from any other form of movement: yoga is in fact a tool to achieve a connection between mind and body. When you
manage to control your body through movement and breathing, you can aspire to “yoke” your mind.
Of course, this is a very long and complex path of personal growth in which the practitioner aspires to achieve a state of harmony within himself and with others, until he gets to experiences a sense of union with the entire surrounding universe.
Nowadays yoga is practiced by millions of people all over the world and from the more traditional styles hundreds of variations have been born.
Anyhow, the important thing is to approach this discipline with respect and curiosity, without fearing not to being enough young or flexible: luckily, yoga does not exists to make judgments or create competition among its followers, instead it wants to be a safe place where everyone can feel comfortable with their physical and mental state.

Zensicily aims to spread and cultivate the yoga discipline in all its aspects and interpretations, giving voice and space to anyone who wants to share this wonderful practice with us.

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ZenSicily Yoga Events 2020


Lasciati Guidare dai Numeri con Shiv Charan Singh

Ayurvedic Week – yoga food health

A week of…

30 Maggio -06 Giugno 2020

Kundalini Yoga 21-29 March 2020

“Relax and Renew”…

dal 21 al 29 Marzo 2020

Ashtanga Yoga with Martina

Ashtanga and Vinyasa…

ZenSicily Yoga Events 2019

Hatha Yoga Sivananda

Simona Brusoni Ashtanga Yoga

Hatha Yoga -Lella Cattaneo

Kundalini Yoga with Susan Munari Kaun

Excursions and workshops